
Tele-therapy is an innovative approach to counseling that has shown as much effectiveness as traditional office-based therapeutic services.  It allows more individuals to benefit from counseling services through eliminating barriers such as living in rural areas without professional services, time constraints, and difficulties in travel and transportation. This form of online therapy follows HIPPA compliant and professional ethic guidelines and policies.

What is required for Tele-therapy

There are some requirements for the consumers who chose using tele-therapy, such as having access to web-based device (computer, tablet, or smart phone) with built-in webcam, good connection, and a telephone for back-up in case of technical difficulties.  The location during your session should be a private location; you will need to be distraction-free, dressed in appropriate clothing, and always in the state of North Carolina.

When not to seek Tele-therapy

Even though tele-therapy has shown to be just as effective for individuals as an office setting, there are some conditions that are not appropriate, such as significant depression and mood disorders, suicidal ideation and self-harm, and psychotic disorders.  This is not a crisis line or service, and if at any time you are considering harming yourself, others or property, you should call 911 and go to your nearest emergency room.

What to expect

Tele-therapy sessions are usually fifty-five minutes long but the initial session will be one hundred ten minutes long. Session fees follow a sliding fee scale, which can be located under forms in the Professional Disclosure Statement. Fees are due prior to each session and there is a same day cancellation fee for the total session cost.

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