Coping with COVID-19

As we are continuing to adapt to the impact that COVID-19 has had, we sometimes find ourselves experiencing one or more strong emotions.  Fear is a common feeling, as we may worry about the health of ourselves and loved ones, or we may even fear not being able to obtain adequate supplies of necessary goods.  Anger can also be a common emotion, and we may feel angry about the spread of the virus, restrictions put in place by the government, or even at the political messages surrounding the pandemic.  You may also find yourself with displaced anger, during these times, which you may direct at the children, spouse, co-worker, or pets.  Denial was the reaction that many had initially when the spread of the virus became more of a concern in America, and some people will continue to be experiencing denial.  When experiencing both denial and anger, you may experience resistance.  You may find yourself going out of your home to hang out with friends or out shopping for more than essential items in order to feel a sense of control over the situation. Acceptance is another reaction, which you may experience after experiencing the other emotions or even going back and forth between other emotions.  While it is normal to respond and experience any or even a mix of these emotions and reactions, it will impact you and those whom you surround yourself.

You may find resolution in the comfort of your family, spiritual/religious beliefs and meaning-making, or other activities that allow you to refocus your thoughts.  You may find that it helps to reduce the anxieties by considering what you can and cannot control and allowing yourself the freedom to respond to only the things which you can control, such as using good hand washing and social distancing.  For others, this time may bring a sense of overwhelming stress, confusion, anxiety, and lots of other feelings.  If you find yourself needing help, reach out to a counselor. Many practices  are utilizing tele-therapy at this point.

*The 5 Stages of COVID-19 Grief was used with permission of Parenting and Family Solutions therapy practice in Pennsylvania, USA (


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