Social Media Impact on Teens

After recently having come off of Facebook during the time of Lent, I am feeling much better about myself and seeking less validation from others as a result.  There have been numerous studies conducted to show that the increased amounts of social media have a positive correlation to increased amounts of anxiety and depression, for both teens and adults.  My God-daughter wrote the following empirical analysis on social media impact on teens, and I am very thankful that she shared it with me so that I could add on my website’s blog.  I think that anyone who has a teenager should read this, and everyone of all ages should reflect on the impact that social media usage has on them personally and with the relationships they have with others.  Enjoy the read!  And, thank you Ms. Ariayana Harrell  for writing this- such an important topic- and for sharing with me and my readers!

Here is the link:


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