Thought Interruption and Positive Imagery

Every one has those pesky, intrusive and negative thoughts running through their minds every now and then.  Other than being negative and annoying, those intrusive thoughts can actually impact how you feel and behave.  Luckily, you can employ coping skills, such as thought interruption and positive imagery, to help!

Thought interruption simply means thought stopping.  Everyone has negative and unhelpful, and sometimes untrue thoughts that just pop right into your head.  Think of those negative thoughts as bad channels on your television.  You have control over those, because you can change the channel.  Apply that to your negative thoughts.  As soon as you realize you are watching those negative channels, or listening to those negative thoughts, you can change it with a click of the remote!  Since we don’t really have a remote control with positive channels, we have to create them.  Just make happy images.  You want to have these positive channels planned out ahead of time, just like the menu on your television programing.  I like to use my happy place, the beach.  You can think of your happy place; a happy event, like Christmas or your birthday; or a happy moment, such as hitting a home run in a baseball game.  You can create a safe space if needed.  With your positive channels planned out, you’ll be able to switch channels next time you have those negative and intrusive thoughts!

Good luck using your new coping skills and becoming more in charge of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.  Happy channel surfing!


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